Mario Govorchin and Associates Ltd.

Asserting Yourself Under Pressure

Assertiveness problems–including excessive lack of assertiveness, aggressiveness and passive-aggressive behaviour afflict millions of people, leading to suffering and undermining potentials for happy fulfilling lives.
Assertiveness is not a strategy for getting your own way.  Instead, it recognizes that you are in charge of your own behaviour and that you decide what you will and will not do.  Similarly, the assertive style involves recognizing that other people are in charge of their own behaviour and does not attempt to take that control from them.
Participants in this workshop will learn how to improve their assertiveness in a structured step-by-step fashion.

Participants in this 1 day workshop will:

  • Define the four primary communication styles: assertive, passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive
  • Review the impact of stress on communication and how the stress response actually pulls us away from using the assertive style
  • Learn how to reduce stress in your life and overcome stress related barriers to effective communication
  • Consider your own belief system and how it might impose barriers to assertiveness
  • Learn how to express your opinion effectively while leaving room for others to think differently
  • Learn how to receive compliments
  • Learn how to give positive feedback that is useful to the person receiving it
  • Learn how to refuse unreasonable requests and how to make requests of others
  • Learn how to confront constructively

© 2023 Mario Govorchin and Associates Ltd.